Your global organization/community really needs your help!
A few small part-time salaries. Hosting our website, Mailchimp, our database, Zoom, a whole bunch of technology software. Our fabulous communications team, based in Nigeria. Non-profit status expenses. Social media marketing. Translation services. Our current tiny but powerful grassroots operation costs $115,000 US a year.
So we're trying to come up with creative and organic ways to cover these costs. We started a Circle of Friends made up of folks who give between $2500 and $25K. We invite people to "pay whatever they can" for our free online events, if they can (but they don't have to!). We've got some wonderful sustainer friends who contribute between $5 to $250 monthly. Some business folks who have experienced the transformative power of play have given us between $5000 and $50,000 over the past few years. The leadership consultancy Performance of a Lifetime and the hub for performance activism the East Side Institute have been very generous with their dollars, their advice and their networks. We just got a small foundation grant which we're so excited about. And we love, love, love the numerous one-time donations between $1 and $100 made by our GPB supporters around the world. By the way, did you know that folks in the US can get a tax write-off for their contributions. Yep! That's the truth.
And so we need your help more than ever. What an incredible year we've had; introducing the innovative and humanizing methodology of play to thousands of new people across the globe in the fields of mental health, education and grassroots activism. Graduating 13 brand new Global Play Brigade Ambassadors through the rigorous GPB Ambassador program. You all have helped make that happen; by volunteering, your participation, spreading the word, your showing up/taking risks/building this global community.
And when you make a contribution (again, of ANY SIZE) before the end of 2024 you will receive your very own Global Play Brigade Gold Star! That's right folks. A gold star!
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